Changing the system together
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Project Duration
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Lead organisation
Positive Vibes Trust
Positive Vibes is a Namibian registered trust that has been operating nationally since 2008 and in the South African region since 2012. The organisation currently employs 25 staff and has a functioning network of some 100 consultants operating at the community level or at the regional level. Positive Vibes has two offices in Namibia that serve the region. Positive Vibes’ main area of expertise is capacity development. Fifteen different participatory methods, aligned to the organisation’s Freireian philosophy, are used to build capacity in Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and networks. From 2009 to present, some 70,000 people have been reached.
Positive Vibes is a Namibian registered trust that has been operating nationally since 2008 and in the South African region since 2012. The organisation currently employs 25 staff and has a functioning network of some 100 consultants operating at the community level or at the regional level. Positive Vibes has two offices in Namibia that serve the region. Positive Vibes’ main area of expertise is capacity development. Fifteen different participatory methods, aligned to the organisation’s Freireian philosophy, are used to build capacity in Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and networks. From 2009 to present, some 70,000 people have been reached.
Changing the system together is a learning project of engagement and innovation initiated in Uganda by Positive Vibes. The project picks learning experiences from -and further develop- current influencing strategies to advance the human rights of Lesbian Bisexual and Queer women (LBQ), and transgender people (both men and women) in the East African context. This project builds on the 2017 learning from Innovation (LFI) project. Through the learning from Innovation project Positive Vibes (and its partners) learned that the process of using evidence to prompt thinking and discussion, through shared sense making, is a powerful motivator and mobiliser. This will be through learning about strategies for disruption, influencing, change, and impact and how to do that in a hostile environment.
This project takes this further through exploring systems disruption based on the same dialogic enquiry, strategic reflection, concept and process analysis. This method supports people to "come to voice" - and find language to name and frame concepts and ideas about themselves and the world, that is the precursor to "expressing voice". The project process involves two main stages:
1) Co-creating a project concept and detailed design including a stakeholder and systems analysis (with specific learning around an environmental analysis); Regional learning convenings; documenting as well as story collecting through accompaniment of the LBQ and Trans Community of Practise (COP). 2) Community level engagements through five events centred on the "Looking In, Looking Out" (LILO) methodologies that engage with different elements of the socio-ecological system, with an integrated element that debriefs, surfaces and learns together around questions: "What did we learn about systems, and change, how does that happen and why?”
Changing the system together is a learning project of engagement and innovation initiated in Uganda by Positive Vibes. The project picks learning experiences from -and further develop- current influencing strategies to advance the human rights of Lesbian Bisexual and Queer women (LBQ), and transgender people (both men and women) in the East African context. This project builds on the 2017 learning from Innovation (LFI) project. Through the learning from Innovation project Positive Vibes (and its partners) learned that the process of using evidence to prompt thinking and discussion, through shared sense making, is a powerful motivator and mobiliser. This will be through learning about strategies for disruption, influencing, change, and impact and how to do that in a hostile environment.
This project takes this further through exploring systems disruption based on the same dialogic enquiry, strategic reflection, concept and process analysis. This method supports people to "come to voice" - and find language to name and frame concepts and ideas about themselves and the world, that is the precursor to "expressing voice". The project process involves two main stages:
1) Co-creating a project concept and detailed design including a stakeholder and systems analysis (with specific learning around an environmental analysis); Regional learning convenings; documenting as well as story collecting through accompaniment of the LBQ and Trans Community of Practise (COP). 2) Community level engagements through five events centred on the "Looking In, Looking Out" (LILO) methodologies that engage with different elements of the socio-ecological system, with an integrated element that debriefs, surfaces and learns together around questions: "What did we learn about systems, and change, how does that happen and why?”