Intersex Persons’ Ending Stigma and Secrecy
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Project Duration
Lead organisation
Intersex Persons Society of Kenya
The Intersex Persons Society of Kenya (IPSK) project Intersex Persons Ending Stigma and Secrecy advances human rights protection and support of intersex children and adults through public education and community engagement, enabling our community to access relevant information, access to appropriate healthcare, and to challenge discriminatory and oppressive cultural practices, laws relating to sex development variations, and resulting gender variance.
Visibility is key for intersex persons in Kenya which can be harnessed by creating awareness. With the tools and information suitable and effective for advocacy developed, IPSK organises awareness campaigns for a more open, tolerant, and enabling society towards intersex children, people and their families.
The Intersex Persons Society of Kenya (IPSK) project Intersex Persons Ending Stigma and Secrecy advances human rights protection and support of intersex children and adults through public education and community engagement, enabling our community to access relevant information, access to appropriate healthcare, and to challenge discriminatory and oppressive cultural practices, laws relating to sex development variations, and resulting gender variance.
Visibility is key for intersex persons in Kenya which can be harnessed by creating awareness. With the tools and information suitable and effective for advocacy developed, IPSK organises awareness campaigns for a more open, tolerant, and enabling society towards intersex children, people and their families.
In the Kenyan society, culture, and laws are largely silent on the human rights violations and lived realities of intersex people, particularly children and young people. The Intersex Persons’ Ending Stigma and Secrecy project provides a framework to facilitate the recognition of the rights and civil liberties of intersex people in Kenya. Intersex Persons Society of Kenya's engagement involves collaboration with legal, medical, cultural, religious, and civil society to identify and document the incidence and experiences of intersex children and people in Kenya.
Through radio, print and media engagement, the project feeds in the advocacy strategy with a more in-depth understanding and appreciation of the social, cultural and political attitudes in our society and how to most effectively influence social change by developing people-focused communication and intervention tools.
Additionally, this project creates social awareness and collaborates with other stakeholders nationally, regionally, and internationally to more specifically address these issues from a human rights perspective with the goal to end the stigma and secrecy surrounding children and people with intersex conditions in Kenya and promote a more just and nurturing climate for our community in Kenya.
In the Kenyan society, culture, and laws are largely silent on the human rights violations and lived realities of intersex people, particularly children and young people. The Intersex Persons’ Ending Stigma and Secrecy project provides a framework to facilitate the recognition of the rights and civil liberties of intersex people in Kenya. Intersex Persons Society of Kenya's engagement involves collaboration with legal, medical, cultural, religious, and civil society to identify and document the incidence and experiences of intersex children and people in Kenya.
Through radio, print and media engagement, the project feeds in the advocacy strategy with a more in-depth understanding and appreciation of the social, cultural and political attitudes in our society and how to most effectively influence social change by developing people-focused communication and intervention tools.
Additionally, this project creates social awareness and collaborates with other stakeholders nationally, regionally, and internationally to more specifically address these issues from a human rights perspective with the goal to end the stigma and secrecy surrounding children and people with intersex conditions in Kenya and promote a more just and nurturing climate for our community in Kenya.