The global Faces of Inequality Campaign aims to target inequalities in all its different forms – gender, income, wealth, geographical, environmental, abilities, political, ethnic, and other discriminations.
Together we are supporting people in their struggles for justice and bringing people and organisations together to challenge the institutions and processes that perpetuate poverty and inequalities across the world.
A crucial step to end inequalities is to give them a face.
So many of us have stories to tell that are not being heard. Faces of Inequality aims:
- To give social exclusion, poverty and discrimination a face.
- To give people suffering from inequalities and their fight for rights and justice a face.
- To show the injustices, rights violations, structures, institutions, companies and governments creating inequalities for the interest of a few.
- To shine a light on the injustices of the accumulation of extreme wealth, including through buying political processes and tax avoidance by companies and individuals.
- To empower people in the fight for their rights and is part of a global movement to end inequalities – by changing power structures.
To read more, click here.